平均律 维基



和弦组成[ | ]


标准和声功能[ | ]



变形[ | ]


意大利六和弦[ | ]


The Italian sixth moving to V. 关于这个音频文件Play


示例[ | ]

  • 贝多芬升F大调钢琴奏鸣曲,作品78号的第二乐章,由意大利六和弦开始:

法国六和弦[ | ]


The French sixth chord; the distinguishing tone is highlighted in blue. 关于这个音频文件Play


示例[ | ]

  • 瓦格纳歌剧特里斯坦与伊索尔德开头处著名的特里斯坦和弦(下面以Tr标示),可以解释为A小调上法国六和弦(F-A-B-D),其上声部包含一个向上解决的倚音。注意这里D向下解决到了D而不是解决到E:

德国六和弦[ | ]


The German sixth; the distinguishing tone is highlighted in blue. 关于这个音频文件Play



  1. 3可以移动到12,从而相应的形成意大利或法国六和弦,消除掉63之间的纯五度。[6]
  1. 和弦可以解决到“四六”和弦,功能上为终止四六和弦强化V,或为'''I'''的第二转位。终止四六和弦进一步解决到根音位置的V。这一和弦进行确保在任意两个声部之间或者反向移动或者斜向移动,完全避免了平行移动。在小调里,德国六和弦解决到终止四六和弦时13都不移动。在大调里,当向上解决到3时,3可以异名同音的写做2,与法国六和弦解决到终止四六和弦时的情况类似。这种写法的和弦有时被称为英国瑞士 or 阿尔萨斯和弦。(这种写法的和弦有时被错误的称作“双增六和弦”,然而62(即C大调中的A和D)之间的四度是双增音程,而非六度。)

The German sixth is typically followed by a I chord to avoid parallel fifths.


German sixth chord respelled with doubly augmented fourth (highlighted in blue) for voice-leading purposes. Also referred to as English, Swiss or Alsatian.

示例[ | ]

  • 德彪西贝加莫组曲中“巴斯比埃舞曲”的高潮部分可以听到连续两次出现的德国六和弦。
  • 米歇尔·海顿的C小调安魂曲,第一乐章中的德国六和弦:
File:M Haydn - German sixth chord.jpg

(File:Loudspeaker.svg Listen)

其他变形[ | ]


增六和弦的“转位”[ | ]


法国哲学家和作曲家卢梭认为,这个和弦不能被转位(Dictionnaire de Musique)。17世纪升音做低音的位置一般只在德国出现。[8]

示例[ | ]

  • 柴可夫斯基的第五交响曲,作品64的第一乐章,Allegro con anima,第三至第四小节
  • 下面的片段展示了巴赫作品中的转位增六和弦。第二小节结尾处,增六和弦被转位以在男低和女高声部之间形成减三度或十度(C—E),这两个声部向内解决到八度:

Excerpt from Bach's Mass in B minor

增六和弦的“根音”[ | ]

Simon Sechter在《作曲原则》中将C调上的法国六和弦A—C—D—F解释为半音变音的七和弦的第二转位,因此根音应该是'D'。德国六和弦A—C—E—F则解释为同一根音上的变音九和弦,但该根音被省略。(在Sechter的理论中,减七和弦F—A—C—E也作同样解释,即在D上省略根音的九和弦,从而与增六和弦一致。)


相反,柴可夫斯基认为增六和弦不是构建在小六度(C调中的A)上,而是变音属和弦[9]。他的《和声实践指南》considers the augmented sixth chords to be inversions of the diminished triad and of dominant and diminished seventh chords with the second degree chromatically lowered, and accordingly resolving into the tonic. He notes that, "some theorists insist upon [augmented sixth chord's] resolution not into the tonic but into the dominant triad, and regard them as being erected not on the altered 2-nd degree, but on the altered 6-th degree in major and on the natural 6-th degree in minor", yet calls this view, "fallacious", insisting that a, "chord of the augmented sixth on the 6-th degree is nothing else than a modulatory degression into the key of the dominant".[10] This would make the chord of the augmented sixth a member of a large group of chords with an altered second degree (which includes the Neapolitan chord). For an exhaustive discussion of the possibility of augmented sixth chords resolving to tonic (or other scale degrees), see Daniel Harrison's article, "A Supplement to the Theory of Augmented-Sixth Chords."

参考来源[ | ]

  1. Andrews, Herbert Kennedy. The Oxford Harmony 1. London: Oxford University Press. 1950: 45–46. OCLC 223256512. 
  2. Andrews 1950,第46–52页
  3. 3.0 3.1 Aldwell, Edward; Carl Schachter. Harmony and Voice Leading 2. San Diego, Toronto: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich. 1989: 478–483. ISBN 0155315196. OCLC 19029983. 
  4. Gauldin, Robert. Harmonic Practice in Tonal Music 1. New York: W.W. Norton. 1997: 422–438. ISBN 0393970744. OCLC 34966355. 
  5. Christ, William. Materials and Structure of Music 2. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall. 1973: 141–171. ISBN 0135603420. OCLC 257117.  提供了对增六和弦和那不勒斯六和弦的详细解释
  6. Benjamin, Thomas; Michael Horvit & Robert Nelson. Techniques and Materials of Music: From the Common Practice Period Through the Twentieth Century 7. Belmont, CA: Thomson & Schirmer. 2008: 165. ISBN 9780495189770. OCLC 145143714.  贝多芬常如此从一种形式的和弦移动到另一种形式,有时则经过全部三种形式
  7. Burnard, Alex. Harmony and Composition: For the Student and the Potential Composer. Melbourne: Allans Music (Australia). 1950: 94–95. OCLC 220305086. 
  8. Ellis, Mark (2010). A Chord in Time: The Evolution of the Augmented Sixth from Monteverdi to Mahler, pp. 92-94. Farnham: Ashgate. ISBN 978-0-7546-6385-0.
  9. Roberts, Peter Deane (1993). Modernism in Russian Piano Music: Skriabin, Prokofiev, and Their Russian Contemporaries, p.136. ISBN 0253349923.
  10. Tchaikovsky, Peter Ilyich [1871] trans Emil Krall and James Liebling, Guide to the Practical Study of Harmony,[页码请求]. [ISBN 0486442721.]